hanya dgn RM30, kami telah dapat mempelajari cara2 ygbetul untuk memfondant kan cupcakes serta cakes kami...alhamdulillah, dgn ilmu ini kami segera mempraktikkan kaedah serta jalan kerja untuk meningkatkan mutu produk keluaran kami...

~~serendah RM2 (simple design)
Medium size (NEW)
~~ serendah RM3 (simple design)
Large size
~~ serendah RM4 (simple design)
**Hanya untuk tempahan melebihi 100** negotiable
Muffin Chip Moist
Size 4cm tinggi *5cm lebar
RM20 - 25cups
Super Moist Choc Cake
RM40 only - basic
net weight : +- 1kg
add only rm5 for SUPER choc topping
Large cupcake + Exclusive Packaging
6 cups with diameter 7cm n 5cm thickness
only at RM20!!
Super Mini Cupcakes With Jumbo Heart
+-46 cups with diameter 3cm thickness 2cm
RM16 only
Mashmellow + Peanut Brownies
RM45 for 1kg
**Harga yang tertera bergantung kepada harga promosi kami.. Sila semak harga terkini**
(SMALL CUP>>5*3cm)
SET A (12 cups) - RM25 only
SET B (16 cups) - RM 30 only
SET C (20 cups) - RM 36 only
SET D (25cups) - RM 45 only
SET E (30 cups) - RM 52 only
SET A (16 cups) - RM 45 only
SET B (20 cups) - RM 55 only
CUPCAKES + fully FONDANT design (chocolate flavour cake)--
(SMALL CUP>>5*3cm)
SET A (12 cups) - RM30 only
SET B (16 cups) - RM 38 only
SET C (20 cups) - RM 46 only
SET D (25cups) - RM 55 only
SET E (30 cups) - RM 64 only
SET A (16 cups) - RM 55 only
SET B (20 cups) - RM 65 only
LARGE CUPS - topping choc + simple fondant
SET A (6 cups) - RM 20 only
SET B (16 cups) - RM50 only
EXTRA SMALL CUPS - topping choc + simple decoration
SET A (35 cups) - RM30
** Individual pack cupcake
- add on only rm0.20 per piece
** Negotiable 4 bulk quantity (above 100)**
** Special packaging foc cupcakes and cakes
- add on RM2.50
Fondant...wah, dah makin maju.. bagus2.. pastikan color dia striking2 baru boleh menambat hati pelanggan.
cadangan bernas diterima pakai....nanti kenduri ko ke, leh le aku buat kan huhuhuhu
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